Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Arete was one of my bundlers iirc?
I loved them all


they were, yeah

cute humble bundler ayaya


How did you get splinters to begin with. Woodworking?

I… I honestly have no idea.

whenever people bring up bundlers i feel sad because i stole the win from one


I was in that game

were you the assassin? :eyes:

you were like ‘I have three souls, I’m immortal’ and I was like ‘??what’s a soul??’ but I didn’t ask because I didn’t want people to make fun of me

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Be careful you nerd :newspaper_roll:
Also for future references I think kat’s advice was right? That is, soak your hands in warm water and they should be easy to remove.

no I was dead

What’s a Soul you ask


i bluffed with 0 souls while EK chilled in 2v1 as reaper
the bundler lost hope and didn’t even try to attack me that night
i felt really bad and kape was mad at me

Okay but they were like really tiny.

this is why we read class cards


guys i beat arete to tol by like 6 days

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I’m looking up Arete’s humble bundler posts
And he really started to teach others in his … fifth post

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reaped king and won game
but did i even deserve the win

That’s how my first ~10 games went. I stayed in dead chat and just kept quiet, which also resulted in me getting revived as a DK and flailing.

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I beat you to ToL by almost 2 years :^)

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My first game I was noble
I did noble things then got converted