Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Any other questions

(It’s also not a good picture because it has me in it)

do 2 truths 1 lie

what’s something “harmless” that you’ve nonetheless never told anyone?

Once scratched off a lottery ticket for 100$

I have a tortoise

My first PFP on tol was a non shiny Litten

Second is a lie.

I feel like you’ve talked about a tortoise before but I’m not sure


Third one?

first one


1 Like

first is lie

Basically, scratched a lottery ticket off that someone else brought, it was a type of game where you could win something by revealing certain stuff, so each flame was worth 25$ and there were 4 of them on the card

My tol pfp was a shiny Litten, but not the actual shiny one it was a custom made gold/black

I think it’s three

and that the Litten will have been shiny



See, I don’t remember which one you had anymore.
So I went with the least obvious answer.


what’s your opinion on the socio-economic impact of refugee crises on the nations that harbor the refugees

I don’t know enough to comment about it