Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Im in bed

But reddit is important ok

go to sleep at a reasonable time
attempt to pull an all nighter and then ask yourself why you’re so tired even though you were awake for 36 hours straight


Ah, a fellow man of culture.


Glad to hear it. I do try to be fun and have fun. Makes life much easier in the wake of all the problems.


you were my only friend in sfol60

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if dead interaction wasnt a thing we would have talked to you a lot in dead chat

as it stands we probably were in a grey zone in how much we did talk in your classcard

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chloe was a maybe
but you’re a nerd

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you arent intimidating enough

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Am I?

they say, before later making me canonically give 14 people permanent mental trauma

Ice Ward
Royal Blood

Ultimate Support Class.


and the ability to sell your soul to annihilate the entire scumteam
but apparently that’s “too high a price”

the original roll was so much better

i kind of wanted to say we rerolled but not actually do it

but i decided that was like, really bad to do


How about you roll both Priest and Mystic?


what was the original roll :eyes:

iirc the first roll had both roll but the channel was 2nd and as such got memed

nightshade wine and eagle shot

on phys


I was indeed very close to rolling noot.

you lost a 50/50 roll on being a non-scorned neut

and then lost a “oh shit we messed up” oversight

which didnt matter cause no neut

fun fact: ami was a bus driver both rolls, but the first roll she was basically a master of redirection

and the 2nd roll she only had mix rooms

also i’m just saying
host should just reveal it
“there may or may not be dead interaction” is usually just “there is no dead interaction but i want to fuck with you”

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