Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i know
it was extremely clever
we just never got to put the plan into action

Every game I’m town.
Gets scum read for some silly reason.

actually wait that was true before anyone even said it

just wait until you get scumread for something completely NAI :upside_down_face:

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stop threatening me telling me to vote it just annoys me and could possibly end with you dead

honestly who threatens the person who is known for “always having a gun”
and is probably petty enough to shoot you for it if there’s no compelling evidence that you’re town

More if you count in spectators.

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I feel like i’d be much better if i played a mountainous game now

My reads when speccing tos2 were really good
Im just so bad at explaining them and getting them out of my brain and into words

Can we have a vc game so i can just
Have a ted talk

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That game I was mayor?

the first one i think


This latest one

Tos2 i believe

Imagine being good at reading.
This post was brought to you by a mechsolve gang.


imagine sleeping at a decent time

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Hey I also mechsolved quite a bit that game

Apparently better than town did lmfao

Italy, anyone can learn how to do social reads.
You’re just… not learning.

I was able to nab all the coven based on VCA.

I figured out they had a poisoner and medusa

Figured out the evo soul link

Yadda yadda

Which is a :upside_down_face: moment.