Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh right you quit right near what is by far the weakest part of act 6

Because voting is important, and if you never vote by yourself, we have to pressure you.

“hi let’s just watch caliborn fuck around and have a conversation with the author for a whole intermission wooooo”

pfp bad

I’m going to make an announcement

like i get what hussie was going for there
but i would much rather see what actually happened to the B2 Kids in the six-month timeskip, or at least some of it

It felt like plot was just ramming itself into different walls while somehow finding a way to be neither funny or completely stupid

im sorry about your wife

it does get better after that point
but it was completely unnececary to actually show us every fucking step of how Caliborn became Lord English, something that could’ve worked better if "we meet Caliborn after Calliope’s death, and then he dissapears for a thousand pages, and then comes back and does Homosuck, and then Homosuck is slightly more serious, and through it we see roughly what happened in the Dead Session

like there are about 10 pages of Aranea explaining what a dead session is
you could have just cut what amounts to an explanation of that to an infinitely more stupid character in an infinitely more stupid way

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Excuse me, does what.

like Act 6 Intermission 4 is the only bit of the comic after the first few acts that feels solely like filler, and I don’t think it’s particularly funny

I am not a true gamer
I lost my gamer license when I unironically played a visual novel game

light spoilers for homestuck

basically a character from Homestuck takes over the narrative and turns it into an unbelievably shitty parody of itself, while the actual plot occurs in intermissions

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I might go back and finish series off

That sounds interesting if done right, but from what I gather here, it was not done right.

i’ve tagged this as light spoilers despite coming quite late in the plot because it’s not actually particularly significant in of itself, but it’s still something that’s best experienced as vaguely as possible and blind

because homosuck is legitimately quite a funny joke


oh no

Homosuck is a godly name

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oh no caliborn hijacking the narrative was actually hillarious solely because he’s unbelievably bad at it
the problem was when the narrative was still under the control of the narrator


I was bored out of my mind
Playing roguelikes for so long wears me down