Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yeah, and not that much time to enjoy having you.

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i can feel most of this at a personal level

i currently don’t have a job or go to school/do education at all really

when i did go to college i got a degree in something i didn’t really like

so my routine has been mostly

wake up -> basic survival things -> sleep for like a year now

covid19 has kind of extended this as i was looking into getting a job again because it’s a cycle that absolutely is getting to my head, even if quitting my last job was absolutely worth it in the short term, it’s been way too long and the long term is biting back

i don’t want to get too personal here so i won’t

being an adult sucks


Who hasn’t had their life upended by the pandemic? No one I know of hasn’t been untouched.

im not super outgoing so it hasnt effected me an insane amount but it did thwart a few of my plans which made me sad



Hello sulit.

you’re up early

i should probably be asleep tho i barely slept last night

but aa

I’m mad my dog woke me up I’m still tired but I can’t sleep now because it’s light outside

Go sleep

This is a order

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my cat woke me up yesterday
i did not sleep enough

ive been up a long time too

i should sleep

but not yet

not until i ensure vulgard has had enough love

or something

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You’re too kind.

no u

i jsut realized ive been up ~17 hours on less than 4 hours of sleep

this is healthy

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I think part of the reason why I’ve had trouble sleeping was because I tried to stay awake, so I could do things I actually cared about (which I didn’t have the time to do during the day). However, not getting enough sleep is even worse, because it makes you exhausted during the day and you’re not able to do enough. Which means you fall behind even harder instead of fixing anything.

At least, that’s my take on this.

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I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier these days,
You can’t skimp on sleep if you want to be in good health.

what you trying to imply mr. cult person


i function fine on low sleep

today it took me… maybe an hour to fully wake up
but now im fine

i can stay up a few more hours probably

i am weird

Still love you though.


I totally thought he was a wolf

he was talking to both thunderdomed people like he knew they were town and was mad at them for being town and not doing what he wanted, not like he actually thought they were wolves