Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This raid leader just went on a powertrip and kicked 3 DPS

sounds like a problem that may be problemetic

shut up you beauties
you’re wonderful

can someone compile all the eevee hats for me, some of them im having a hard time reading what they say

why is everyone eevee

why arent you eevee

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@eevee I need a hat as well, can you solve that problem?

because I am Arete

that’s a controversial opinion


being eevee is cooler tho


Arete is a total nerd

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who is this Arete
I know only a tree

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a feet

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Afete? :wink:

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it’s a cult

we sacrifice cookies

and I eat them

I always wanted to join a cult
let me iiiiiin


do not

I’ll sacrifice my firstborn for it

i veto