Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I am kat kat kat
Wait no

you are boxed in by life

people have been asking “why is everyone eevee”
but have you forgotten when eevee was italy :eyes:

reminder that this was a thing, even though we missed it

Spirals are ubiquitous in nature, from plant and insect life, to human hair and fingerprints, to the movement of water and celestial bodies. Spirals have also, and increasingly, been used by corporations and in branding commodities. Innumerable products for children (films and television programs, toys, games) feature spiral shapes, and many companies have spiral logos. Perhaps this is because spirals express both the idea of growth and the pleasures of play. Give a young child a pencil and one of the first things he or she is likely to draw is a spiral.

Spirals are uwubiquitous in nature, frowom plant and insect life, to human hair and fingerprints, to the moWovement of water and celestial bodies. Spirals have alsowo, and increasingly, been used by coworporations and in branding commowodities. Innuwumerable products for children (films and television prowograms, toys, games) feature spiral shapes, and many companies have spiral lOWOgos. Perhaps this is because spirals express bowoth the idea of growoth and the pleasures of play. Give a youwung child a pencil and owone of the first things he or she is likely towo draw is a spiralOvO.

convert to the sacred religion of spirals, as I have.




I am wazza

how r u

in plants if you count the number of spirals going either direction you basically always get numbers which are adjacent fibbonacci numbers (or lucas numbers, which is similar to fibbonacci but with different starting conditions)

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and this isnt just stuff like pinecones either, this is pineapples, petaled flowers like daisies or roses, and even sunflowers (seeds and petals iirc)

math fax!

Hes not around
You failed reading

silksong is going to be amazing

Italy why are you awake again?


Ten hours

ten hours

the day has come

are you ready for this journey to meet its end


And no

But mostly yes

also apparently
softcore is disabled in master mode
in other words; Fuck