Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I have been redeemed.
Also I hope you keep this pfp, it fits you.

nah i’m changing it until the end of Treason in Jugdral for a meme :^)


At least it’s not permanent.

that text is clearly rotated wtf

i have no idea what you’re talking about

next thing you’ll tell me he died of the plague


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i’m onto you ici

look what i was supposed to do
explain the joke?

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This is cursed on several levels.

Geyde is toxic
It’s confirmed


id be down

arete commited a war crime in skribbl

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what did I do

in response to me saying OwO to eevees word

you wrote a thing

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I’ve played 9 consecutive hours of terraria 1.4 master mode with my friend


is good? or nah

i woulda prob played 9 hours but my sister needed a break

im fine taking our time with it tho :flushed: