Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This is my 16th post on this new account picture spam, who would’ve guessed :^)



your 16th post is heresy


When I joined, I didn’t speak for a whole week, so terrified was I lul

Damn it you got there before me


chloe’s rank explanation

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And here I was ready to commend you on your good tastes.

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ily <3

who remembers that one game of ToL where there were three italys?

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Italy, ltaly, and ItaIy

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hholy shit remember when my username in ToL was PowerhouseOfTheCell

we’ve done this multiple times havent we

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then fucking SHROUD

my ToL username used to be katze

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generally there’s only two

9x town
1x role thief
1x witch (basically doctor but neutral)
1x cop
3x werewolf

That is, as far as I can remember, the setup we used.

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my username history in tol is just kat with varying things at the end

and now its just kat

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i had a very odd username history before i settled on Chloe in August


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My ToL username:
First I was Arjuna_Lemke
Then Maxwell
Then N. or N.1 or something