Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

For maximum suffering, ensure dybudabu is present and has total control over all town aligned kills



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put meta vigilante in game

I kinda liked your idea of completely no meta reads

but the other 3 would just seem random

its also a joke

what if the meta vig metas

oh god oh fuck

That’s why everyone is a meta vig

she’s 16


but tan is not 16 and she claims to be tan

sulit is fakeclaiming!!11


legal in scotland, according to kyo :upside_down_face:

/vote sulit

who the fuck is shipping tan and arete isn’t that a huge age gap

heretic! Burn her at the stake

wait you took me seriously when i said she was 14 in mountainous didn’t you

she is indeed not 14

there are many things that are technically legal that I would nonetheless neither be comfortable with nor think are ethical


I didn’t think she was

why do people take me seriously when im joking but not when im serious :sunglasses:

im gonna tell more people in minecraft that ur a child predator >:(

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i still feel like that joke is in moderately bad taste