Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Same thing and I hate it.
Styling my hair is a nightmare, but if I don’t it looks atrocious.

I wish my hair was straight sometimes

i don’t even bother even though i’m blessed with the power to style my hair any way i want without gel
i can even comb it both ways


what criteria are you hoping for your new PFP to meet?

Are you trying to tell me something?

same sister

i need a haircut :upside_down_face:

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It needs to suit my character and also look fitting for a forum avatar.

No need to cut your hair if you don’t have hair :thinking:

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i dont think id look very good without hair :thinking:

not that i think i look very good with hair, but thats a different problem

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i also have hair

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Too relatable.

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Adorable PFP’s are superior to any other PFP



I too have hair

i have more


my hair can beat up your hair


i have two cats

my hair can consume your hair

i wish i had two cats