Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

last i checked i got up to 76
used to grind hard as shit back in the day

i assume by 76 you mean combat level

you’re not as big of a nerd as i thought you’d be

Nah lol i’ve always been nintendo first

Fire Emblem / SMG / Layton was a good part of my childhood

I haven’t played Terraria in a while tbh

last time I played a lot it was on my phone with my sister and we would just dupe everything

that was fun tbh

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i was afking blood runes when ultimate came out :eyes:

Smash is for betas
Sorry to say.

If u play a character in smash before having completed their source game at least once, ur a fraud ngl

damn you gonna do me dirty like that


i haven’t played any of the source games for like 80% of my mains

Fraud Alert
Exposed Exposed Exposed

FE6 is best fe ever


if i call myself a snake main ive played a MGS game

but then i have to call myself a snake main

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Food poisoning really really really sucks


its not fun i agree

I can buy my favorite flavor of Calippo’s again!

Life Good

Jane Happ

if it’s not grape
prepare to be yelled at

It’s not grape.

