Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The ,. tricc for SaS 2 ;;;;

Do you still play it?

Well it has creatures
and you can collect them
I guess…

WHo the hell takes the name ‘TessA’

is this cursed


Every few years I’m getting bored, make a new account and play for some months, yea

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Kyo you should play adventurequest

Idk how it is now but 10 years ago it was the best thing ever

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Does anyone want to start this game with me


That gives me a headache

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and I’m playing horse rpgs with 13 year old girls there

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i am you, sister

Why do you hurt me so

i will consume all

pretend thats in zalgo

Can you go back to the cat already.

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i kinda hoped somebody would look for hidden text

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Mobile bad

Hidden text takes more than 3 seconds to find

chlogard chlogard

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I recently checked activity on the site and it’s kinda interesting how there are some people who haven’t posted for months, yet still have higher activity than some people who are around now.