Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

no send them to vulgard not me


wait nvm i forgot how cute u were


Why is the cat flipped.

You’re a plane
Not a ship

no u

Kat is the cute sister

why not

I feel like I’m suffering from the opposite issue.
Text is clean and comfortable, facial expressions are awkward and weird.

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I need to understand why some websites don’t let you put your first name in your username
That completely screws my roleplay over


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Well you can always use Chleb or Egg.


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Honestly I kinda dig Chleb

I feel like 10 years from now im going to see some polish ad for bread somehow and i will have happy memories

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I love you

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It feels more personal. Some people are more comfortable with that, others less.

I’m generally not a very expressive person unless I’m around people I’m close to. It’s like a subconscious shell.

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I knew someone would use different filler now it’s been mentioned

Yeah, I guess that explains why I have issues with it.


i already used different filler pretty frequently in the past


I take back all of the mean things I said about Nikki Minaj
Super Bass is great
I am a semi-barb

So, I’d be fine talking to friends, but when it’s anyone else I feel much more nervous about expressing myself.

Which is understandable.
…Come to think of it, this is an unrelated question, but what’s the origin of your nickname? You’re so mysterious.