Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’m not even gonna comment


I’m more excited to get real replies. Also seeing this is satisfying.

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I got a haircut a few days ago :>

Could flex by posting a picture. Not sure if I want to.

pings trigger my ptsd

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i’m too lazy to post the full number but

Didn’t you say you had over 1.4k pings on discord the other day? How do you live.




also do you like the post of yours i just liked, vul

14 thousand actually

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@katze Have you seriously just liked a post I wrote ~2 years ago?

(it was a ridiculous game by the way)

…Oh, that’s not 1.4k.

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i hit the server cap on discord

also there’s a server cap

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Cult never killed anyone aside from an Alchemist. There was only one mislynch and it was because PoE and lolbounty. The Cult chat was just a bunch of quarreling over the CL doing nothing.

It was… an experience.

And this was a thing.

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i was gonna like your first post but that was too hard to find so i did that

get owned, nerd

I hit the server cap but for other reasons probably

emote problems

I’m pretty sure that game was one of the main reasons why we removed feedback.

did you know that once you reach 100 servers discord treats you as if you’re banned from all servers that you aren’t in

sounds like a good game to me


I could have a field day with this. What a shame.

yes because ive hit the server cap like, 4 times