Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

As NK, I had an incredibly accurate PoE on day 2 which contained all the other wolves and neutrals, including the convert, and also including someone who was only there in case they didn’t self-resolve. And they did self-resolve, so I basically had the perfect reads going forward.

I think I had the X factor back then.



Why did that change?

the duality of man

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Because life has changed and I became less of a gamer.

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I’m pretty sure I just liked Vulgard’s first post.

Jane has just found my first forum game ever.


I’m going to sleep again bye

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goodnight sulit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a really good game with lots of gems and memes.

on an unrelated note i love how if i go back to my first cookie thread posts they all have 6+ likes because people like spammed me that one time


Do you know what your last game was before you started ur huge break?
If so, pls find it for me vul-chan uwu

kat, now you can go and like Vulgard’s first post aswell!

Ace Attorney FM. I left in the middle of it and had to be modkilled because of a lack of replacements. Shame, I was a strong PR then.

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i dont think you found their first post, it’d say “this is the first time vulgard has posted”

Well, I couldn’t load any more posts so I’m pretty sure that was their first ever post.

Wow, you were away for 15 months
June 2018 through October 2019
So happy u returned :cry:
U might be my favorite friend on this forum

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Do you remember what you rolled in your first game btw?
Vulgard said he got a Hunter :eyes:

“You should probably expect to die soon if you’re BD”