Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im not it in lol, i think they changed it to make it for guides or something

Wat really
Maybe forum veterans dont get it anymore
Just regulars

I’ve never been a guide and never will be, but im in it.

Mostly you can edit the names of topics + move them into a different category
which can be pretty useful to clean up

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yeah forum vetarans used to be able to do that too

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I bought mine


Green name for free cookies

heck no

Im a shill
If u buy patreon for 1 month, u get a title of ur choosing that can last however long u want.

I did it once on my old account
Then again here.


That is pretty convincing

Why ask for more likes when you can have INFINITE LIKES???

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well all I do is eat

and I just slept and I just ate

time for more terraria


envy intensifies

Soon I feel that and hosting my 3 SFoLs will also happen to me

also retaking the AP exam because of a damn technical error

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my cat steal my chair


I know this probably means they’re sitting on it but I’d much prefer to imagine your cat dragging your chair to their secret lair.

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