Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

florina fucking died
time to reload a save


tons of rng abuse
it’s how 0% growths are always won

it was probably my fault but i’m still really pissed that she died and there’s nothing i could’ve done to save her

i will only feel satisfied if carjiga dies now

the most powerful tool in any fe game

scoring a crit with the mani katti is so unfair

florina is alive thank fuck
i want to make it through this with as few deaths as possible
which will probably still be a lot

On eliwood normal mode (which is what this run will be for you), the game is quite feasible deathless.

I’d say restart the chapter if anyone dies, until you just despair and see no way to win without at least 1 death.

does it count as killed if they have to be taken out of battle because of health issues but didn’t die


Merlinus always returns.
To my knowledge, no one else ever does.


she died but apparently didn’t her arm just broke

“If you lose someone on the first 10 chapters, they come back later, not after that, but Florina benefits a lot from Lyn’s mode and the first chapters are short so I suggest a reset.”

from reddit.

just reset.
Lyn mode is the easiest part of the run.

i just fucking saved reee

did you override your old save?
if so smh but meh, nothing u can do

From chapter 11 onwards, all deaths are permenant.

That said florina will be underleveled when u get her back again so she’ll be unusable as shit