Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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y’all stop hecking be altruistic forever and care for yourself too arrrrgh

stop making my mistakes as well reee


Is it just me or do you also play this song on the background when you’re FPSing?


There has to be a reason for this :thinking: .

I have indeed played DR songs in the background while making plays. Do you do that too?


Rebuttal Showdown if I’m arguing 1v1 against someone.
Scrum debate or the Non-Stop Debate for general reasons.
Perjury Non-Stop Debate when I’m FPSing.
Mass Panic Debate for EoDs.
DR2’s PTA theme if I’m nailing a wolfread.
Climax Return when I’m building a case.


damn yall are nerds

i just put on my playlist

ive never finetuned what im listening to to what im doing in FM lmao

There are reasons for it like…
you can’t do a separation between life and work as pastor, it’s a little bit similiar to living in a cloister. You have to life morally correct etc.
Many people go to that house if they need urgent help, it’s also just a symbol
I know people who tell me “I was born in your house”
Pastors have to move a lot for their work (like at least 5 times), and not having to seek for a flat each time can be good

But it’s really impractical in practice
Imagine you want to be pastor in the town your parents live in, but the house is way too big or way too small for you (and your family)
Also being constantly under observation as family is really not fun, as child I always was the “pastor’s daughter”, it makes you special for no reason. Imagine the teacher having one favorite child, and everyone else is treating you differently … that was my situation, just in every single social situation in town. And it sucked.

You know what, I think I should do this exact thing in my next game. It’s a really cool way to motivate yourself, I think, and maybe it’ll help me improve? You never know.


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By the way, check out Vetrom’s remixes of DR music on YouTube, they are really good. The guy also has FE remixes and more.

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Yes I imagine it would suck Priestess. It sort of reminds me of accounts of being the child of a celebrity. They’re under scrutiny the moment the world learns of their existence.

its worse, because lots of people aren’t fans of religion
means I got bullied a lot just for the reason of being his child
until the point when he had to drive me to school each day cuz the bullying in the bus was so bad

This is my first time using an oven and it’s so hot that the air is vibrating like in the movies

Yikes. I had no idea.

I don’t care anymore, cuz it’s so long ago
But yea, living in pastor’s house can be stressful :joy:

Sounds like you’ve recovered from that childhood.

Eh it does shape you, but also on positive ways
knowing “whatever comes in future, it cannot be worse than things you survived already” is kinda sad but really helpful

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hornets are assholes

Bugs out