Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’ve finally done it

Yeah, yeah it was. I got converted after openly claiming Knight, told Assassin to Frenzy the goddamn Prince but he didn’t listen to me, which got MM, himself, and me executed.

did you pick that name because of me



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i’ve figured out what the answer to the world’s problems

No I literally told kat to pick my name for me.

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I’m trying to think of noots

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i was gonna say “fuego gato” but that was more work

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by the way Harlot is not getting in, mainly because I might have added too many female classes

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aight kat you get that one and you better be happy

i was gonna say i preferred the one arete gave me

but i think you’ve redeemed yourself

@arete you can still be my sibling tho if you want :flushed:


but kat i dont want ans in the family

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its okay we can still share a bed

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…I’m not going to comment on this whole situation.

Arete would you be willing to give me my next name :eyes:

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Is watching this whilst trying to think of neuts the definition of insanity

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Neuts OUT.