Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Why are you roaming around in the dark again.

Because I was closing the window.

Oh god, bugs.

Oh god, and just now i touched something I thought was a snake, with my other foot.

It was just my hoodie.

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close the window permanently by nuking it

My heartrate picked up for a few seconds. It was cold, too.

my brain keeps trying to apply Pokèmon logic to Avatar

‘but she’s a Waterbender so she should be supereffective against Firebenders???’


can we ples work more on our setup soon

same message for a different setup to @Emilia @Hippolytus

Also seeking an estimation for when u’ll be able to help with that setup we wanted to do but have yet to do anything on yet @Amelia

Hopefully soon
Summer break is coming up so I have a lot more free time but I still have hosting shenanigans

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Hosting 3 games closely within each other must be fun.

tbf hosting actually is fun, but it also eats up a lot of my time

how would you feel if your parents knew you watched this

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Fine why

no reason just asking

Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

we should probably start on SFoL 63 review soon right