Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

posting copy pastas for other people to use

I am so supremely confident in my abilities, and so thunderously calm + relaxed, that I will make a single irrelevant post at SOD then peace out for hours on end. I won’t do anything villagery, I won’t make any reads, I’ll make 49 shitposts over the next 35 hours, then once EOD rolls around I’ll make an unspecified number of additional shitposts. No cogent thought will escape these handsome lips. I will be illogical, haphazard, superfluous, inessential, pointless, redundant, uncalled for, unwarranted, unjustified, and gratuitous. The effen theorem will catch me with my pants betwixt my ankles. I’ll vote off-wagon, talk about random nonsense, and make inappropriate japes concerning my relation to wolfchat. I am preemptively declaring any responses to this post “fair enough”. I’ll complain about a lack of WIM, the cause of which is nebuluous, obscure, and entirely insufficient. I will fabricate excuses and pretend I am busy to avoid posting in this thread, when in fact I will be watching cartoons and eating cheeto puffs in my underwear. More specifically, black boxer-briefs. You can’t stop me. You can’t mislynch me. You’re powerless. I laugh in your face. I’m a villager, therefore I can do whatever the fuck I want. Go cry in wolfchat, you big baby. While you’re poring over the thread, searching for any clue at all to help you in the seer hunt, know that I am still watching those cartoons and eating those cheeto puffs, nary a care in the world. My armpits are bone dry. I’m a villager, what are you going to do about it? Nothing; you will do nothing about it, because that’s all you can do. Ligma. What’s ligma? Ligma balls.

[v]No Lynch[/v]

It’s not me. It will never be me. At any interval in which you thought “X might be 3p” erase it from your memory banks because it might as well not even exist. People will remember me not as the person who played mafia, rather the person who wasn’t 3p. I don’t care if I never make any other significant accomplishment on MU as long as people understand that in this game I will never flip 3p. I want it written on my tombstone and I want it passed down my generation so if by chance my offspring plays Mafia you are all reminded of the time you lynched me and I wasn’t 3p. Under no circumstance in this game will I ever flip 3p. When the world undergoes heat death millions of years from now and the last star burns out and existence itself is torn asunder, somewhere in the desolated cosmos there will be my last reverberations spreading far and wide that I was never 3p.

@Italy make this one into a post that says you were 3p

im not knowledgeable in the subject, but theres no way you’ve tried everything. its not exactly a narrow field.
personally i have a stable, if not consistent sleep schedule. i always wake up at the same time or before (alarm clock is loud enough that i am physically unable to sleep through it personally) however most days it tends to list forward, making it so i get less and less sleep. once it hits a certain point though, i manage to go to bed at like 9pm, wake up at like 5am, and begin the cycle anew.
this isnt advice i just wanted to share

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mate, i’ve worked with multiple sleep specialists for hundreds of hours in the past
there’s nothing i can do
it’s chronic and omnipotent

i mean no, i disagree with that completely.
perhaps there is nothing feasible you can do, but that to me is strictly different from there being nothing you can do.
i know its pedantic, but thats genuinely how i see it whenever i hear people talk like that

tips on how to sleep better #whatever it is
i had light insomnia caused by major fuck-ups in sleep schedule

this is the best way, and you need to force your body to follow it

your sleeping oxygen intake is significantly less than your awake oxygen intake; one will effectively lead to the other
when you’re going to sleep, consciously breathe less and less oxygen, little by little
not hold your breath kind of less breathing, but i guess intake smaller amounts
continue for about 20 mins to enter “light sleep”
continue holding that state until you fall asleep
closer to “losing consciousness” so it’s scary at first, but if you do it for an extended period of time (3 months for me) it might work

i’ve tried all of this, dozens of times
Even when i had a great sleep schedule and had class from 7:30 am to 10 pm every day for an entire year, i’ve never been able to fall asleep on my own

i can sleep well, but only with my meds
Im not capable of functioning on a normal sleep schedule that most adults are capable of (like 6-8 hours or something) which makes highly rigorous experiences immensely difficult for me.

I feel like N is the most knowledgable on the subject

but I will offer my very bad advice

if you eat a shit ton of sugar and take a hot shower, like 10 minutes after you will crash hard

There is no actual science to back this up as effective

but it works for me

this is probably neither healthy nor helpful


it might be worth a shot

or not

please do not try this at home

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Almost 99% sure that’s because you’re pushing your blood sugars so high that you’re effectively emulating diabetes.

stop using big words i just wanna get sleepi

sugar highs and crashes are only placebos



Currently in a game.

You can find another co-host if it’s taking too long, I wouldn’t mind.

I can wait as long as u need
There isnt really anyone else on this site who has the lore knowledge that you do
Can u not join a new game after

From this post I’m not sure that you know I’m talking about FoL. But sure.