Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i have no idea
i just took the quiz for a friend

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thats the most texan thing ive heard

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Link me it

can you DM me the quiz :eyes:

p sure ami took it on the disc

also dm me quiz too nerdface

it’s on discord though
it’s the same you guys did, i just took it in polish

inconveniently I have controversial opinions like ‘on balance, if with all else being equal one option will result in substantially more human death than the other option, you should go for the one that kills fewer people’ and that’s not a very politically popular opinion

post results on disc :eyes:

i miss my mom

What channel?

That reminds me; it’s probably time to pop in and out again.

I’ll make you guys a deal
If you add aki bot to the server
I’ll stay for good

It’s a bot on an animal crossing server im in that can try to guess any character ur thinking of.


everyone knows about akinator lmao

Yeah that thing
Add it in for me to play with and i’ll stay

late to this conversation but
the problem with GMO is that people sometimes grossly misunderstand what in the genetic code they’re changing
and the fact is that usually it is completely harmless
the kind of GMO I’m against is patenting gene codes that could feed millions of people, and giving people genetically modified seeds that have diminishing yields, creating dependence on foreign goods, something that I’m sure a certain food company has never done

we don’t have the genetic engineering to like, mind control people and shit, but we do have the genetic engineering and greed to screw poorer countries out of needed crops

i wonder what could possibly be the root cause of all this curiously capitalistic problems that could only exist under capitalism
oh well
guess we’d better just go back to choosing between two slightly different choices