Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I for one am pro-gmo
I won’t only buy gmo stuff but I’m against people who are in against gmo in general.
I mean I’m not going to get into a shouting match with you over it I just wanted to share

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Please get me an akinator bot to play with in ami’s server
Otherwise i’ll just keep dipping in and out over and over again
Marshal said there were free ones

There’s been breakthroughs in the farmers speedrunning community recently, and it’s a big one, arbitrary code injection
By putting tiny little bugs and pieces In the right place, and then trigging a glitch by injecting seeds with something, they can execute those pieces as code in the plants, taking years off the time in reaching the more desirable crops ending
It’s caused any% to split into a glitchless category and one that utilizes this

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Glitches = Bad

—Todd Howard

It’s modifying the dna in plant seeds so they might grow with better traits, and traits that can be hand chosen. The actual planting-to-grown style is the same as non-gmo
Yes, some of those chosen traits are traits that would never naturally occur in that plant, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. weeds are great at growing where they’re not wanted.
what if we took the traits that allow them to grow so ferociously, and put them in plants we do want to grow?
of course its abused by some but my opinion is that the potential gains from gmo make it so we cant just let bad companies ruin this for us.

meow meow

miau miau

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Whenever I see this I just think about remembering that there’s an anime where there was a cat-maid restaurant

mew mew

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meow :slight_smile:

that feeling when you choke on water

Dont laugh while drinking
Last time when I did that, I got a lot of water in the wrong system
Needed a few minutes until I got air, needed around half an hour until I had coughed all water out
Multiple people told me already that one day I’ll die due to laughing :upside_down_face:




Its more of a Mashmash