Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Eating another active poster makes you an even more active poster by comparison

I would have to eat Dybu too then

(To be clear, I just re-read this and can see that there can be an idea of this suggesting something, but to be clear I said this because I thought it would be funny to reverse the order of what was said)

Dybu is too good to be eaten
If you tried you would probably be poisoned

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I would never eat DybuDabu

we would need to repopulate at some point, and we need superior genes

and we know the only option

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something something walking dead

Okay marshal’s getting offed first


In Russia, you don’t eat Dybu. Dybu eats you

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If you eat dybu they become you

If you ate me you would get diseases i’d make sure of it

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i’d eat kat

theyre thicc


I’m throwing you off a cliff
Completely different train of thought

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walking dead

walking dead

I only watched like idk how many seasons but I haven’t finished it because I was bored half way through but I remember

What if I ate Solic

Could I even eat Solic?

Running dead
Crawling dead
Wheeling dead
Taking a train dead

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oh you wouldn’t even eat me

see my strategy would just be to accumulate as many diseases as possible so that people wouldn’t want to eat me

but if you want to end me for wanting to have the human race have more genes of dybudabu then sue me

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wait why the heck do we have to eat eachother

is there literally no other food?

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