Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’d let people nibble on my toes if they got hungry

just eat a little bit

win-win scenario

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i dont need you

you both eat eachother until there is nothing of either of you left


oh ok


but i want you :flushed:

You know what I would eat on a island


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okay semi-related question

if you had to survive in the wilderness for a few weeks with any other forumer
who would you pick

simon or Magnus

is anyone here a boy scout

orange is an eagle scout right?



aight yep im picking orange

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Oh wait I forgot orange

Probably orange

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No doubt about it

@orangeandblack5 you okay carrying us both in the wilderness?

wow okay

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any other forumer?


I choose orange

fuck you all he’s mine I choose first

kat we would die within hours

Orange you will carry us ok

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