Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


How terrible am I doing?

I’m afraid as heck of your light figures
They are standing very strong on the battlefield

Press X to doubt.

my plan worked

I’m surprised I haven’t lost yet tbh.

What was your plan?

I can show you, one sec

Good game. How bad did I do?

i will stomp anyone at chess

Not that bad at all, even though you didn’t get me in serious trouble
You know how to get your light figures into a strong structure, they were very present in the mid of the field, with a lot of possibilities
That was why I was so defensive with my play for a long time, I tried to prevent you from going with your jumpers straight through my defense (I think the rochade saved me here - without rochade I’d have looked pretty bad)
If you are in a jumper fork, try to mitigate your damage (losing your queen is way worse than losing your rook)

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Yeah, no idea why I did that.

priestess do you wanna play chess

I was setting up the trap to catch your H rook with move 9. I catched it on move 20.
Holy :joy:


That means I did good, right?

afk for a few minutes
will join soon



Overall, not too bad.
You really know how to setup your figures, that’s a good base.
You need some experience in offensive and defensive
I see potential.

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