Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

pick a site

ill win :wink:

But that would make me feel like I’m not really playing the game.

That’s true. You’re right. :upside_down_face:
That’s why I’m :upside_down_face:ing.

Time to take white

I thought it was a good move, but I didn’t think very far ahead.

I mean you don’t have to ISO everyone to really play the game

I’m sorry Vulgard, I don’t speak the language of the emojis.


Feeling disappointed in myself, then.

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i just realized i have anime music on while playing chess



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this song slaps idc

fight me

its not even a weeb song it just makes me feel like im evil :sunglasses:

Judging by the link it’s not rickroll.
But then it would mean it’s actually weeb music :^)

you’d probably like it

but who won

i 2-0ed jane

me and priestess are still playing

but im prob losing game 1 :sunglasses:

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i must stomp you at chess next

doubt it

priestess is actually good though


but she takes a long time to do moves :eyes:

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I’m spectating it and predicted your loss.

I think I actually played a lot better against her than I played against you.

i mean
i was 3 turns away from getting a checkmate and if she didn’t checkmate me there wouldn’t have been a thing she could do about it