Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

What kind of game would you even be.

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You’d definitely be some kind of weeb visual novel, Kat :^)

what would i be ans

I feel like I’m not qualified to make conclusions because I don’t know you as well.

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i mean i have a better idea on what kind of game id be but i don’t know if i should say

DM me, nerd.



Are you telling me that we are all not forum mafia games?

hey FK, are you SF5?


because i want to /detonate you :flushed:

I feel like comparing someone to SF5 qualifies as an insult.


detonating people hurts

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I’m SF5

in that I make bad decisions for worse reasons and yet somehow end up surprised when they don’t work out

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im randomizer

i get talked up but im actually just a fucking failure :sunglasses:

Arete we both know it’s not true.

Joke’s on you, I’m not even a game :^)

you’re fol26