Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Why did you move the bishop to a1?

That felt… weird.

I got rekt

i took his rook

Oh… I’m an idiot. I thought you just moved it there for no reason.

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gamer moment


You’re pretty good, lol.

i used to play a lot

ive always had a decent knack at thinking ahead

i just imagine the game in my head and play from my opponents PoV

Now play Magnus Carlsen.

ill try my hardest to get him to accept a draw, and probably lose like 6 turns in

I don’t think that’s even possible if you don’t play like a complete idiot.

If we are relating ourselves to games
I am Clown Fiesta

Imagine me versus AlphaZero:


Thinks about opener


Checkmate in 12 lmao.

just do that

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I thought I had that on Jane
I was wrong

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious, ngl.

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wait what happened :eyes:

He thought he had Fool’s mate on me but was playing as white.

