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What sort of genres do you prefer?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Is that the one you linked me a while ago

Mainly fiction, I’ll read mostly anything in there

His Dark Materials is a good fantasy series I’d recommend.

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well of course, but when u emulate a console u dont usually use a mouse and keyboard, and if they made a pc version it would work


I liked it

You generally wouldn’t, yes

But Vulgard seems to have some sort of insane grudge against controllers?

He should probably just get over it but a lot of emulators do allow you to map things to mnk

You read the whole thing???


Either that was very fast or this was longer ago than I thought

I read a good bit of it iirc

Don’t really remember much about it but I know I liked it

like everyone else has mentioned, it depends a lot on what you’re looking for

the Terra Ignota series by Ada Palmer (first book is called Too Like the Lightning) is really good, genre wise it exists somewhere between science fiction and fantasy-ish. If you decide to pick it up I’d mind the warnings at the beginning :eyes:

I remember really enjoying The Just City by Jo Walton? the premise is that people from various time periods in history all get kidnapped by Athena so they can attempt to make the city described in Plato’s Republic actually work. you can probably guess from that description whether you’d like it? honestly most books written by her are likely to be good in my experience

in terms of Normal Person Books Fires of the Faithful by Naomi Kritzer is a fantasy novel that I remember enjoying when I was a little younger than you are (it has a sequel but the name of the book will get more useful search results than the name of the sequel). She also has an SF-ish YA novel that came out more recently and won a bunch of awards but I personally think it’s not nearly as good?

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I think the YA-type things I liked the most were basically

Harry Potter
Maze Runner
The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
The Last Dragon Chronicles
Alex Rider

probably forgetting something can check my shelf tomorrow

back to bed lol

The problem is I’ve read a ton of books so basically everything I read now is rereading


I like the thirteenth reality but that was a while ago so idk how well it holds up

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can’t relate

I have poured over wikis to extreme levels though

did you like the book ending or the movie ending of the maze runner more

maze runner movies bad