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Questionable lel

Don’t lose your way

I haven’t read books but they’re prolly better than films cuz films were p bad

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the key word smh

I mean he was he was a beast he just sprinted for like 100 mins and never stopped or showed and weakness the whole time

First film was p good cuz he had that internal struggle of “oh shit am I a bad guy” but after that he turned into generic hero

no dont do this


good morning soolit!11!!!!!!!!!!!

good morning !!!1!1!!12

hi sullit1!1!1


hi FK 1!!1!!11


why does :control_knobs: look like a dice

3p popcorn is easily winnable

change my mind

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/shoot Firekitten



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“shoot me”

Mafia is a game where people’s alignments are decided by RNG. Theoretically, if no one did anything besides random lynching, you would have a X chance to win as either alignment depending on the setup. However, because people act differently in each mafia game depending on their alignment, you have a better chance at reading them based off their actions, which makes the game less random.

Popcorn 3p is different then this. You have a confirmed town, a town, and a wolf. If the confirmed town shoots at random, you have a 50% of winning no matter what. However, this is where the dilemma comes up, how do you prove you are town to the gun bearer?

That’s where we see most 3p popcorn devolve into madness. Why should you interact with the other person, when you know (or trying to convince someone) that they are a wolf. The thing here is, because of this, how do you tell the difference between a wolf and town? It’s frankly, near impossible to read people if they appeal directly to the gun bearer, especially if they act the same in every 3p game.

The secret to winning 3p, or popcorn for any matter, isn’t to convince the gun bearer that you are town. It’s to interact with the other players in a way that makes them out their alignment. I have played popcorn for a while last night in MafiaUniverse discord. Each popcorn match, I asked the gun bearer to wait the entire 3 minutes. The first thing I did was ask pointy questions to people, and I watched as mafia froze, or how they outted their alignment by being a obvious wolf/town to my questions. After that, I started to play a little more sneaky. I started asking subtle questions, in order to see what they thought I was trying to gauge from the question. Some were more ridiculous then others, for example one time I asked “Do you like pizza?”, while others, I asked at the start of the game where they couldn’t possibly know my alignment yet “Look me in the eye and tell me if I’m a wolf or a villager”. Wolves started to react slower to my questions, and the way they responded you could see they were trying to think of the right answer. However, some town were spouting off random answers that didn’t really make sense, it’s clear they didn’t really think about the right answer. I kept adapting my play style as people became used to me in order to throw them off even more, but I used this same method in order to catch wolves in popcorn.

Which brings me back to my previous question:How do you win in 3p. By interacting with the confirmed wolf. It doesn’t really matter if you are a villager and know they are a wolf. The secret is simple.

Wolves know you are a villager. Wolves know they need you dead to win. Wolves know they need to be acting obvious town to the gun bearer. By interacting with the wolf, you are forcing them to act in a way that makes them seem like the good guy in the interaction. They will upplay responses, they will freeze when you start being obvious villager in the way you are interacting with them. I have watched this multiple times, and I’m confident I can have a 80% win rate in 3p if people interacted with each other.

If I also had the gun*

I mean, most LyLo’s I have seen here have been the “townier” person acting like they’re locktown and somehow getting anyway with it.

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