Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

my mom’s friend’s kids are staying overnight with us because their neighborhood isn’t safe at the moment

we love it when our city becomes effectively a war zone :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


would you prefer it be quaranti— wait

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I mean it’s not like I leave my house anyway :upside_down_face:

Dont you have curfew like we

stop being like me :angry:

we do now

it turns out that when someone is willing to break the ‘don’t light buildings on fire’ laws they are sometimes willing to break other laws as well, and that following the curfew will not protect you from … most of the things that have been happening


have the authorities tried asking them nicely to stop

maybe they forgot the magic word

Escalate matters to the extremes
that’ll show them

Having curfew helps
So they can arrest anyone who’s on the street and has not a really good reason to be there

they’ve tried tear gassing unarmed peaceful protesters (i.e. people who were not lighting things on fire), does that count as asking nicely?


light the offenders’ houses on fire

that’ll show them

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depends on whos definition of “nice” you’re using

for me? eh, thats like a moral neutral ground

help I ran out of motivation for writing more then this

Discord Popcorn Guide

What is Popcorn Discord Mafia?

Popcorn Discord Mafia is a game that has several different alterations. For this post, I am going to focus mainly on Wild Popcorn. Wild Popcorn features two alignments:Villager and Wolf. The setup differs depending on how many people join the game, however the most commonly used setups for Wild Popcorn are [1 Wolf:3 Villagers, 2 Wolves:4 Villagers, 3 Wolves, 5 Villagers]. At the start of the game you are given either a Wolf PM or a Villager PM. After that, a randomly chosen villager is given a gun. They have 3 minutes to shoot someone, if they shoot a villager then the gun bearer dies and the villager they shot gains the gun. If they shoot a wolf, the wolf dies and the villager may shoot again. The game ends when either wolves gain parity, or all the wolves are dead. There is usually a time limit for how long the gun bearer has to shoot, somewhere around 3-5 minutes after each shot. With the setup out of the way, let’s talk about the basics of popcorn.

How do catch wolves as a villager?

Your win condition as a villager is to kill all the wolves before they gain parity. Your win condition looks simple at first, but how do you find the wolves?

You need to look at several things.

1.Is the player talking to someone as if that person is confirmed town to them (this does not apply to the gun bearer). For example, Player A (a villager) is accusing Player B (a wolf) of being a wolf. Player B responds back with “I need you to trust me here if we are going to win”. Player B is trying to convince Player A he’s wrong by appealing to him, however the way he does it he reveals that he thinks Player A is town. Look at Player B recent reads on Player A, and their reasoning for the read. If the confidence doesn’t match the explanation, or they were previously scumreading that person, it is likely Player B is a wolf.

2.What were the players reads and interactions with the flipped wolf? You may not have time to look back, however you should keep in mind when looking at the discord channel interactions and reads of other people (if you do have time to look back though, please do). If the player had a wolf read on the wolf, look at their reasoning for wolf reading them. If they appear to be overly confident for the weak explanation they gave for someone being a wolf, it is possible that they were bussing the wolf. If the player seems to only suggest shooting the player when their name pops up as a person to be shot, it is possible that they are trying to distance from their partner without them really wanting that person shot. There are a lot more ways wolves can interact with their partners, as this only talks about the basic stuff.

it’s not gunfire, so it’s nice


we love GUNS and MACDONALD


the authorities are also shooting rubber bullets (at unarmed protesters)? (my understanding is that rubber bullets are less dangerous than real bullets but still capable of causing serious injury, I could be wrong)

I have a very good guide to Discord Mafia.
Its a turbo. Enjoy it, dont stress yourself. Just shoot, dont try scumreading. Have fun ^^

I thought it was pepper bullets or whatever it’s called?

where on this list is /shoot Marshal


Under “boxes are good for everyone”

Some people join turbos to have fun scumresding. If you just want a light-hearted match, follow priestess guide. If you want to try to win try to follow my incomplete guide that I’ll likely never have the motivation to finish