Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hi Chleb

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bad autocorrect



I thought I did every one of them without a fuckup
Then low and behold

Got decimated

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hot take

Metal Gear Solid 2 predicted today’s culture perfectly

You’ve been fooled
You must now add in Old Fool

I’d rather commit interplanetary vitrification than fall so far as to do that

Fight me

hi soolit ily

:D ily2

at least I’m in Saint Paul not Minneapolis, at least I’m in Saint Paul not Minneapolis…


do i want to know

the latest Unconfirmed™ Rumors™ floating around are that the National Guard is likely to use lethal force on anyone breaking the curfew in Minneapolis regardless of what they’re doing

these are probably at least somewhat exaggerated but


what the fuck™

meanwhile most of the people I know in Minneapolis who haven’t already gotten out have bags packed in case they need to flee from the white supremecist groups that … have shown up? were already there? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ … who have apparently decided to join the Lighting Buildings On Fire Club

n.b. I have not fact-checked this

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plz be safe :heart:

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I am bored ask me anything

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what do you want people to ask you

questions that would make me not bored

what kind of question would make you not bored