Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

damn it


but I don’t really listen to music a lot

if you could combine any bordering 2 US states and have total power over the newly combined states, what would you choose and why

I would combine Indiana and Ohio

Unlimited corn


what will be your last words

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no u

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katze has died!

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think of all the creepy alien messages I could make in the corn fields

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possibilities are endless

I could write “Arete is a nerd”

giant uwu

I wouldn’t do very well with corn field powers theres probably better things I can do with this

someone else who fails at a skill they should’ve learned in kindergarden!
for me i can’t tie shoelaces


There is many basic things I’m very bad at

Heck I can’t even walk


what has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself in the past year

Rolemadness or vanilla?


This ain’t very exciting but I can’t think of anything else

my eyes are GREEN too not just blue

I found this out by staring into a mirror for a while because apparently that’s something you do when you’re really bored


Depends tbh

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idk how to edit my question to make this answer look weird


if you were the leader of any country which one would you choose?

if you were the leader of your current country, what’s one thing you’d do better than the current one and one thing you’d do worse than the current one?

are we playing this game now

AMA, except you have my permission to edit your questions