Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I should put my cat in a room and put the clear food wrap stuff in the door

sulit who would win in a fight

Me or Chloe

Would end in a draw

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describe further
is it just hand to hand in a bigass room with nothing in it

yeah that sounds fair

why would someone not assume this

i retract my statment
you actually go to school dances

Kat just holds me at arms length until i tire myself out

Saying this not because equal fighting skill but because I could probably never genuinely hit my sister with menace

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the 21st one’s the charm!

school dances are boring


I’m replying to my own email

you haven’t been sisters with chloe I see

wouldn’t take long tbh


depends on person who’s going to it
but even with people I know and like going to it, I can’t find them interesting past the 1 hour mark

Can’t relate


older brothers rise up
lack of menace does not dictate your inability to punch your sibling

matchup probably 60/40 chloe
difference between somebody who knows how to fight (already stated) and someone who is bigger generally goes to person with more experience


maybe when they are >3 hours and you get tired

but before that they are fun

okay but I definitely have more experience fighting :thinking: