Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

6’2 and I still got a ways to go


not really ive pretty much stopped growing

that’s fair

it’s generally only music and the shittiest refreshments known to humanity at the ones I went to

the power of caucasian genes

most my family is pretty short too so I don’t really expect to get much taller

smol soolit

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rallies are stupid at my school
but they’re also the best source of ironic enjoyment known to mankind

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I am pretty light too

I am a twig

oh the refreshments are good at ours

because we have the best lunch lady in america and she is like super involved in the school dances

so it’s catered with actually good food and usually some chicken tendies that are to die for

and we also get chick-fil-a

much spirit
imagine going to school event

chleb calls me big

i am beeg katze

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i’m required to go to help set up/clean up

School dance is fun like the first time it happens and then it’s just dull

If I ever go it’s because people dragged me there

I am twiglit

I finally got one reply
Let’s go gamers


“can I stay at home I need to finish project”

you are the luckiest fuck

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have another

The biggest difficulty when I actually want to have fun at school dances is trying not to want to puke