Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


another hearthstoner!

I’m sad no one got my lost reference earlier

what reference


good game

wish it were longer or there were more storylines

I want to nuke america

i dont

i can supply you with some :^)

This is not cash money of you

i dont have cash money

college bad

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solution: nuke america

quality has finally been achieved

there is no problem that cannot be solved by nuclear weapons

season 2 is a thing

but i want MORE

also yeah i played em both

i might replay the first one

dont remember the exact story

im mid-episode 3 of season 1
no spoilies

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but holy fuck its putting up some great ethical questions

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it made me feel like shit ngl

i made some fucked up choices

but still a great game

dms rq