Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Katze that’s cursed

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How does every message you send make it even worse.
This shouldn’t be possible.


tbh the one i wanted to send is way worse

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It’s ridiculous because I know exactly how it would work
I just have zero clue how to write it in code

Also is it me or forums feel… zoomed out somehow, even though the zoom is normal? Everything is smaller.

I could write if for ya in a couple of days.

No it’s okay I can harass my dad for it if I need it.
He tried to teach me Python. I sat down for like… 40 hours minimum.
I learned what classes were. That’s it.
What languages are you experienced in?

C#, Java and Javascript

I used to code in C++ too but that was a few years ago, not sure how much I remember from it.

Oh don’t worry I used to code in C++ 5 minutes ago.
When I managed to break a Hello World template and the entire IDE.
Don’t mind me.

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do you not speak english

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I wasgunna make this joke but couldnt figure out words

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Do you think I’d be able to make the classcard automater in HTML and CSS

Depends. How much experience do you have with Javascript?

Bold of you to assume I have any at all.
I could probably learn it though.

I don’t think it’d be that hard as it’s a simple program, so probably?

Hmm. We will call the majestic application of sheer professionalism… “e!CardCreator”