Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



good morning sooolit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go the heck to sleep

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I think I slept wrong my back is pain

I’m at work, I can’t.
I’m going to rest immediately after I get back from work and eat dinner, though.

And my right eye tears up.

my phones running out of batteries but I can’t get uP AHHH

go back to sleep

wow that was awful

not with that attitude you can’t
you prob shouldnt tho

Vulgard what do you do

the catgirls have made no promise. the only promise conditional on acceptance here is the promise of giving italy gold. it is a trick!
/decline, and shred and burn the contract

the promise is that you get to keep your life

that is no promise
you’ll most likely kill me whether i give you my gold or not



cat noises

Summons Corax

kat noises

no I’m trying to get FK here not kat

what have you done!

oops wrong kat

It’s too late Sulit.

fk not here yet

must be dead

was nice knowing him