Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

chihuahua doesn’t scare the cat more then the other one

he wasn’t scared
he fucking slapped that great dane with the fury of a thousand suns

…you think a cat slapped a dog because he wasn’t scared?

my big dog is a huge wimp

he’s fairly old so his additude is usually “i’m done with this shit”

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he just fucking hates dogs

A BevMo downtown has been looted 3 nights in a row

I too, believe that stealing mass amounts of alcohol helps get a point across regarding police brutality


a spider’s ability to instantly vanish from reality itself the moment you take your eyes off it is worrying
it just left my eyesight behind a fucking oculus rift sensor for a moment, and then it was gone

okay seriously where is it this is extremely worrying

i am once more grateful for where i live
last night the police marched with the protesters

no no everyone knows that the way police are supposed to respond to protesters is by tear gassing them and shooting them with rubber bullets, even if they’re protesting peacefully

(in case it wasn’t abundantly clear: this is sarcasm. I am saying that police doing that is bad.)

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@SirDerpsAlot We take over here now!

you seem very pissed
like, extremely pissed

Arete’s city is on fire and innocent people are getting extremely harmed

i’d be pissed too


Also I actually made the banana pancakes I wanted to make last week.
So good.


Oh hell yea

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hot take

those are bad things


humans are doing terrible things
in the end we can only do our duty to soothe their pain
but we can’t stop them hurting each other

optimally we should be able to stop unnecessary brutality but that’s a fever dream I guess

not as long as we are humans