Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im way safer than arete is

go save arete

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im luckily nowhere near downtown

[save] Arete [/save]

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nuke the capital in order to stop the riots



The Fallout 3 manoeuvre


This is… certainly something

Joe Biden-level speech lmao

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I changed my mind on popcorn btw

7+ games are aids for popcorn do not play

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21p popcorn

I feel like having more players in a popcorn game just means there is more, and louder, yelling.

not turbo popcorn is fine with 7+ people

but turbo popcorn is best with 4 people or 6 people

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7p popcorn with Wolfia is like, everyone yells for a while and then wolves win because the game starts in LyLo

it’s the same with 5p

Sounds like an average game here to me.

Most games here don’t start in LyLo


They might as well. The outcome is the same.

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how’re you doing tonight

Villagers tend to lose in LyLo

LyLo, if pronounced how it looks, sounds like lie low

Which rhymes with silo

Silos are found on farms

On farms, you find sheep

Villagers are sheep


The proof is there

that’s why wolves are such a threat to them

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Godfathers are wolves in sheep’s clothing