Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And then it happens again with a different player’s check.

On night 2, I deliberately tried to get three green checks to get three clears (keep in mind I hadn’t read the setup). And I did get three green checks. Too bad one of them was a lolgodfatherwolf.

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and then marshal convinces deadchat that he was a godfather when he was flipped and not a godfather in a semi-open setup

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you aren’t good at FM if you can’t convince the host that you are a godfather

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How can such a smol community have such great stories and memes

ive only been around for a few months but i enjoy hearing about past games and funny things that have happened

ily guys
just thought i’d let y’all know


The number of failed checks was quite frankly ridiculous. Italy’s check n1 miscleared a wolf and my check on night 2 would’ve miscleared another. Lolgodfather, lolredirection, lolsetup.

Fun fact: I think Italy’s easier to read if they have a PR. @ Evolution (loldesperado), @ Ritual (loltriplecop).

we aren’t that small of an FM community

and like

people post a lot here

this is where I spend most of my day in quarantine

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it’s because he cares more about the game as a PR

also because you can read him on ‘does the thing he did make sense from the PoV of the PR he’s claiming,’ which is surprisingly effective

I feel like a lot of other sites don’t remember that you’re supposed to have fun.

I prefer reading him off of “does he post”

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I mean small community in general

I dont really know how large most fm communities are, but youre probably right that we arent that smol, yea


hitting 15k posts on a game is like

fucking unheard of as far as games on other sites are

we are very different in general and a lot fluffier

skill level isn’t generally high but we at least enjoy ourselves when we play


I’m 100% confident you can be read by postcount. Yes, I know, bold statement, but that’s how I initially began to TR you in Insurgency.

I mean i was scared to join a forum game here because i thought everyone would shit on me for being bad, and that everyone here knew what they were doing and i’d be a dumb newbie, and i wouldnt fit in

but uh

Exactly! That’s why I hardly ever ISO the high posters, and it bites me.

you ISO’d me the other day. im sorry. i really appreciate it tho

I still don’t know what I’m doing