Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think you have a direction problem as a villager – you don’t tend to push the game in any meaningful direction, which gets you mislynched because people think you’re flailing as a wolf.

also kat
you are a good wolf

it was fun to wolf with u in RM4

i might have the godread (possibly or I could just be lucky) but u r good @ wolfing

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oh i thought kat didnt want this public but i guess i missed something :eyes:

I also have the godread

also that game was supposed to be a secret

even though it was never a good one

fuck MU

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Clean sweep.

Kat stfu youre good

Im omw to florida to beat you up

10 pages looks like a tiny number, but it’s a light game and it was also a vig 10er, which is a small setup.


which one is kat

You just have to wait for her to lie as town and then mislynch her on that basis.

Gee, I don’t know.

Alice kind of sucks at getting people to agree with them
It’s something that’s pretty easy to notice

I correctly identified kat in that game (which apparently we are talking about) despite not knowing kat was in it

fear me

Possibly due to lack of in depth explanation

figured kat would have posted it if they wanted people to know about that game

…I’m sorry, I forgot about that. Don’t give me confidential information ever again.
Still, I think you performed well.

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@katze uninstall me from the forum I feel so bad

can’t tell if i’m getting wolfy vibes from the posts

or kat is uncomfortable playing offsite

but kat seems reeeeeeeeealy uncomfortable that game

It’s kinda difficult to get people to agree with you. I think some people just naturally have it in them?

i was trying to force myself to

  1. post less
  2. play a completely different playstyle
  3. type normally

i was uncomfortable