Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i shit you not

this is probably within my top 1000 favorite videos on the internet

i have a lot of videos in my top 1000

probably a bit more than 1000


You keep a list?

(Yes, this is sarcasm.)

That’s not how that works, kat.

my favorite video got removed and it made me sad

the mirror has lower quality but its still funny

Wdym? This video hasn’t been taken down…?

numbers 1-150 are the episodes of seasons 1-7 of the office (besides the last 2 of s7)

Wait our video got removed?

The one vid?

which one

the nsfw one or the other one

obligatory :eyes:

Dude wtf dont bring that up

Ofc its the nsfw one

don’t bring what up

this video?

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Okay ngl i actually mildly panicked when i saw a link

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okay but that video is amazing and the only problem is that its not a cat

ok wait that is at least a little :eyes:


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