Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

don’t worry orange, it is possible to return from such a place, easy, even
but if you taste the bitter chalice of anime girls there is no stopping it

What if I crop out all the SFW parts

oh shit that reminds me

so everything but the hat

the world is coming to an end

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i feel like weebs as a culture are severely underanalyzed in favour of blind mockery, but there’s a fuckton of problems there, and not just the whole defending the sexualisation of Definitely Not Underage characters

If they’re 5000 years old Ici there is no issue


sorry you’re right
now if you’ll excuse me i’ve got to have sex with my adoptive sister while screaming “no chromo”


god some things in anime disgust me
even if i love the artstyle and there’s some really good ones

i need a haircut but aaa quarantine

i could wear a mask but i also dislike haircuts because sensory reasons

also oab5 go back wtf

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Haircuts are awkward

hard relate


every time i get a haircut it looks like a murder scene except hair


like some stuff is just so fucked up

oab no

oab yes

that pfp is not allowed

who are you

the pfp police