Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The cycle must be completed

I play hearthstone but I’m quite new to it
ANd I cba paying for cards

Only then may I rest

TCGs are like half of what he ever talks about

isnt that also from a nsfw game

okay so first thing to know is that in standard, if you play Priest you’re a horrible person



shush i like MtG and Hearthstone even if they’re basically just the same game but with varying levels of complexity

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I used to play it since 2014 (season 2 that awarded green card back), got legend and then just stopped more or less.
Don’t remember last time I logged into the game, but it was pre-battlegrounds and I still watch certain streamers sometimes.

fuck priest
this post was made by wild even mechathun warlock gang :stuck_out_tongue:

Demon Hunter Bad Addition ecks-dee

Demon Hunter is obscene and should’ve been nerfed 2 days into release.

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I looked at Warlock
It looked god awful

what is your tag, may i ask

after the nerfs though i think DH is just fine
we’ll see if the adventure cards (if there are any and not just a golden Kael’thas) change that

Warlock is probably the strongest class in Wild overall?

it was nerfed like
a week into existence
kael combo was disgusting

he wont ever say

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No you may not ask :^)

Also Kyo, even you don’t know it because I have separate blizzard accounts for Hearthstone/WoW for reasons.