Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i hope you know that kat is googling the lyrics

Making a story, making sure his clique stays up

i am too

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that means when he puts it down, Tak’s picking it up

Who the hell is he, anyway? He never really talks much


weaklings it’s a good song and the beat is iconic
i can’t say that about 90% of songs on the radio


i actually know the lyrics!

most of them

theres a reason i stopped singing though

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never concerned with status, but still leaving them star struck

Humbled through opportunities given despite the fact

Okay i guess im in the minority here

I’ll just see myself out then

no, come back ;-;
let’s sing something you know

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actually no don’t come back you should sleep

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But fun people are here now


if chloe could speak japanese they’d sing ayaya intensifies quite often

but she doesn’t know how to spell the characters’ names

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I litersllydont know anything but ayaya