Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

kat youve seen more anime than me

Unless we count like

Korra good

does it count if i watched 2/3 of the anime ive watched ever before i knew what it was

or if it’s three shows from the same fucking series

korra good?

korra and asami good

this video is
a thing
maybe it’s not good if somebody made a 90 minute video detailing why it’s not good
i’m not trying to bash korra here, i didn’t even watch it
just find it kinda wack

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I know most people disliked Korra but I genuinely enjoyed it


like ive technically watched 1 anime series

or 3 animes ever, 2 before as a young katze

so heck you chleb



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Okay its garbage but

Its less garbage than some things

hey that’s me
most people dislike me but you genuinely enjoy my presence
i’m kidding

i’ll slap you

damn fucking right

or i’d call you a dummy

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it’s more of an irl thing really
i don’t really mesh well with most people
which doesn’t mean they dislike me it’s just
difference of mindsets i think? i don’t dislike them either i just don’t really hang out

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look at vul trying to justify why he has hardly any irl connections

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That makes sense

But don’t sell yourself short. You’re a good guy and maybe people are just stupid

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relatable, but i just don’t socialize irl

just blame covid

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you’re too kind ily

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Just the truth dork